Friday, October 16, 2009

Shake, Rattle and Roll!

Hey y’all whassssshakin’????

Me! That’s who!

Mommy and Daddy have been taking so many videos of me that I thought I would give you a Video Blog...a "Vlog," if you will...

But first, what's this all about?

I get a teether and Daddy gets a popsicle?!?!

What the...???

Anyway, remember my buddy, Quinn? Here's us...

Quinn gets me.

Here's Quinn helping me out with my plug...thanks, man.

I love me some motor boat...

It gets me every time!

Mommy is so funny! She can make me laugh so hard, y'all!

I work so hard at rolling over...

You wouldn't believe what a calorie burner it is...

It's hard for me to perform on camera...

I just get so wrapped up in how shiny it is..

Really, Mommy and I really cut up sometimes...

I call this shot, "The Chicken Bumbo"

I can full on laugh now...

Wanna hear me?

So, tell me...was that too much Owen for ya???

Nah! No way!

And BINGO was his name-O,


Friday, October 2, 2009

My First Trip to the Zoo!

Hey Monkeys! Guess what? I went to the zoo today!!!

Mommy, Auntie V and Lily and I all went to Zoo Atlanta today...what fun!
Here's me with the flamingos...Riveting!

Here's me and mommy...
Yes, that's me.

I thought you might need a closer look!
Mommy forgot my hat so I had to wear Lily's hat!
Mommy says don't tell daddy that I wore a pink hat all day...

I'm pretty lucky that I have so many friends.
Lily likes to hug Quinn, Quinn likes to hug me...we're all pretty tight.

Lily showin' some love.

Don't get rough, y'all!

Ezra. My youngest friend. She's only 8 weeks old, but she's cool.

Well, I gotta fly...

Blowin' a kiss to you all day long!
Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake,