Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hey man! I got TWO teeth!

Happy New Year!

Did you have a fun Christmas???

I did...I got lots of toys...

...and hung out with my cool cousins...

Mommy and Daddy took me to NYC for New Year's Eve (whatever that is)!

(I like that kid wiped out in the blue...I mean, I know I can't walk or anything, but that's funny!)

Speaking of wiped out...

I'm too cool for a crib at the Waldorf Astoria, people.

Mommy and daddy went to a fun wedding while I hung out with a nice lady named Yvette. She was a very nice, fun lady...

Not like some of the questionable childcare that I get at home...

I'm just kidding, people! I'm funny like that!

Come to think of it, I'm not sure why they didn't take me to their fancy shmancy wedding...

Anyway, when we got home, mommy gave me some sweet potatos to try...I'd only had oatmeal before...whoa!

That was fun.

I do have two teeth! Pretty sweet. Mommy tried to get them on camera but now that I've had sweet potatoes, everything looks good!

I'm so funny, doncha think?

I think so...

Yep, basically, I'm a happy baby.

Skip to my Lou,


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